Holistic Health with Dr. Heather Heck

Holistic Health with Dr. Heather Heck: Biological Dentistry

Dr. Heather Heck Season 1 Episode 30

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I grew up being taught that my family has bad teeth (root canals, missing teeth). But through my education and training, I know that 80% of our health is lifestyle + environment and 20% is genetics. So, I don’t necessarily subscribe to the belief that we just have bad teeth…  

Did you know that traditional fillings contain 50% mercury, silver, tin, and copper… The WHO has mercury on the list of toxic metals. Rather than affecting the nervous system, there are other safer materials we can use. 

But not a lot of dentists know about this biological approach…  

Dr. Suringer Arora is a certified biological dentist. She holds a master’s in public and mental health and eventually found purpose in learning and offering a holistic approach to her patients. She’s also a certified health coach and has holistic training in the art of reiki among other spiritual healings. Her passion is to help people heal themselves along their health journeys.

In this episode, we even talked about the impact of jaw formation due to the nutrient-deficient soils and foods we have today. Dr. Arora recommends maintaining healthy levels or supplementation of Calcium, K2, vitamin D3, vitamin C, probiotics, and phosphorous in our diets for optimum oral health. I loved hearing about the upcoming summit she's a part of in Singapore. She's certainly helping with the holistic health movement in Asia!

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