Holistic Health with Dr. Heather Heck

Holistic Health with Dr. Heather Heck: Anti-aging

March 22, 2024 Dr. Heather Heck Season 1 Episode 4

Do you have health + wellness questions? Don't worry; I've got you! Text me.

In this episode, we just brush the surface of anti-aging practices and why they matter for inflammation mitigation… if you listen to the end and just become more conscious of what you’re eating or not eating, learn how you can decrease as many chemicals in your environment as you can, incorporate stress-relieving therapies into your daily life, find out more options for exercising, and see why you should be getting quality sleep, then we’re on the right track.

Do you know the most Googled health questions? 
Flu symptoms

  • Diabetes
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Concussion symptoms
  • Heart attack
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney stones
  • Depression
  • Stroke
  • Allergies

Now, we can’t control all of these, but there are ways in which we can mitigate our risk and create a centurion lifestyle for ourselves.

I love the book, The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner. He takes a dive into a variety of cultures that have had the longest living people and shares how we can take practices and characteristics of those environments and incorporate them into our own lifestyles in order to promote longevity. For example, one culture utilizing ‘Hara Hachi Bu’ from the Japanese means to eat util your 80% full. In European cultures, meals are a social and therapeutic practice where you savor your food as you catch-up with those around the table. 

Multiple studies have shown that genetics makes up only 20% of your health, which means 80% is your environment:  you can modify your emotion regulation, promote a healthier lifestyle through exercise and nutrition, get enough sleep for healing, and work in some therapy all for a less inflamed system.

Inflammation is proven to be the root of all chronic disease. 

So, not sleeping means we’re not healing, we have an increased risk for heart disease or immune issues, and we have an educed mental response time. 

There’s not one ‘Superfood’ above all foods; it’s about quality and variety. Of course, we do know some foods have tons of antioxidant properties like green tea, cocoa, turmeric, blueberries, and nuts.

Did you know, there’s a study conducted from 1960-2018 that shows there’s a 1% increase in ininfertility year over year? Think about what’s changed during that timeframe : our food sources and production, more chemical load, faster paced lifestyles, and more stress. 

My favorite therapy is red light therapy which we don’t get naturally anymore unless we are waking with the sun and watching the sunset. So, I love my Mito red-light!

You can add years onto your life through anti-aging practices and you can make them quality years with your families and friends by reducing inflammation and increasing your antioxidants.

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